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Janmashtmi Celebrations

Writer: Vaishali A. PatelVaishali A. Patel

What did Janmashtmi Celebrations look like when you were younger?⁠

For me, it was staying up untll midnight, welcoming the birth of Krishna bhagwan with "Nand gher aanand bhayo, jai kanaiyaa laal ki" with manjira, tabla, breaking the dahi haandi (mataki) or krishnaji's favorite maakhan hanging way up high, human pyramids, lots of abeel and gulaal throwing, bhajans chanting, singing all day long and eating Panjari and other delicious treats as prasaad!

This is what Janmaashtmi - celebrating birth of Lord Krishna - was like for many of us. ⁠

The energy and the vibe, where you felt the arrival of Laalji with everyone getting a turn to swing his "hindolo" and wonderfully decorated mandirs all around us. Blessings and dancing. Of course, at our Mandir, we even had traditional garba songs just for janmaashtami. ⁠

However you are choosing to celebrate Janmaashtmi (eighth day and birth of Devaki and Vasudev's eight child), be it fasting, praying, singing, decorating, eating prasaad or sharing stories, I wish for all of us to feel that connection with the divine and with all who celebrate.

Let's welcome the good news, positivity, and blessings of love in our lives together. ⁠

Share your favorite Janmaashtmi memory with all of us. ⁠


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